What you wanted to be when you were a Kid?

I was talking to one of my friend, Suddenly she popped up a question.She asked

What you wanted to be in your life when you were a kid?

Question was not new. Several times people have asked me or I would have asked people.I never thought on this ,But this time I pushed my self took my time and thought of it . what exactly I wanted to be ? what I am doing now is this what I wanted or I am into wrong profession?

I was not brought up in a very competitive environment by my parents,I never felt that my parents wanted me to out do some relatives kids, or they never expected me to bring X Percentage in my examination.They were happy with whatever I score , they were happy with whatever stream of education I selected.

I still remember few parents, they were in competition more than their kids.After result they were more concerned about others result then their own kid.

Back to the topic what I wanted to be , in my wildest dream when I was a kid . I wanted to be a Doctor and after few years I realized that I am a chatter box , I argue a lot so people said you can be a Advocate.But I was not that ambitious or you can say I was not that motivated or I was not concerned about what I will be after few years  .There was one job I always loved,that was of Waiter.I felt that in that profession you can meet several people , you can talk to them , you can make them laugh, there is lot about it.

Currently I am not a doctor ,not an advocate nor a waiter.Whatever I am doing I am happy.I don’t have to convince myself to go to office on Monday morning or I don’t wait for a weekend to get a break from office.

In childhood ,I was always taught how you can be nice to people, they taught me about treating people equally,they taught me about keeping myself happy ,They taught me about how I can keep myself content even in difficult times.

I have understood one thing , if you taught someone how to be happy and a content, that person will definitely grow in whatever profession he or she will go and they will definitely make world a better place.

Benjamin Franklin once said

Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.

What is your say on this ?


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  1. I liked this – happiness is definitely the most important thing.

  2. I totally agree with you and I’d say your parents were very wise. Not many of is have the awareness to recognise this truth


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